Day of Daffodils 2009
Day of the Daffodils was held on the 17nd of April, 2009. Local elementary- and high school students have been distributing daffodils for the third time in the history of the fund. Aim of the event was to draw attention to the fight against cancer and to the fact that the number of people suffering from cancerous diseases increases from year to year. The most active participants were the students of the ź. J. ulek high school, Gáspár Sámuel elementary school in Csicsó, the Munka street elementary school in Komárom, the Rozmaring and the Komenský street elementary school, the Eötvös street elementary school in Komárom, the elementary school in Nemesócsa, the Marianum in Komárom and the Jókai Mór elementary school. On The Day of Daffodils the fund has received donations of over 2406 EURO (72498 Sk).
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