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Events in 2001

    In 2001 the fund has begun its activities with the motto “Help us if you can“. Classmates, friends and teachers of Dorothy have organized a collection for helping children who suffer from cancerous diseases. The fund right away in June was able to help five children who suffered of leukemia and nine more in December.

    Paint artist Tibor Kopócs decided to help these children by making still-life paintings on which he worked for several months. These paintings were exhibited in December 2001 in Komárno under the title of “Still-Life Paintings in memory of Dorothy Kantha”.

    In 2001, the Fund of Dorothy Kantha has raised over 134 251 Sk for the children suffering from leukemia and other cancerous diseases. 50 000 Sk of this was given to the Children’s hospital in Bratislava.

    These gifts were presented to the children in order to make their process of recovery and their lengthy weeks in the hospital more tolerable for them and to prevent them from falling back in their studies by providing a way to learn like their healthy classmates in elementary and nursery schools...

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