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Stars’ Football Match

    The Fund of Dorothy Kantha together with The Fund of Miroslav Šatan and the organization NEO had organized the second „Football match of Stars” on 23th Jule. Famous sportsmen and TV stars of Slovakia have appeared in the guest team, like Miroslav Šatan, J. Ledzéni, P. Satan, P. Cvik, E. Satan, Rasto Pisko, Ibi Maiga, Robo Beno. Similar stars have formed the home team, such as Attila Szabó, J. Ferenczi, S. Koncz, M. Martonosi, Zoltán Szabó, J. Kufel and Gyuri Peltzner. Organizers paid a great attention to make the event well advertised. Thanks to this, the event had 2500 spectators and 60 100 Sk has been collected from the entry fees. Half of this was given to the Fund of Dorothy Kantha. The match ended with a 7:7 draw. After the match, Miroslav Satan has given gifts of money to 6 ill children in 140 000 Sk of value. After this Maria Kantha had presented 13 cancerous children as well with gifts of money in 140 000 Sk of value and material gifts of 25 300 Sk in value. The Match of Stars finished with a distribution of signatures, making a lot of adults and children enjoy this charity programme even more. The income of the match was given to 6 children by the foundations, who were residents of a camp helping cancerous children in Barretstown, Ireland. Besides this money an additional 30 000 Sk has been sent to the children.

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